What’s your focus on?
If you live your life animated by the flesh—namely, your fallen, corrupt nature—then your mind focuses on the matters of the flesh. (YOURSELF) But if you live your life animated by the Spirit—namely, God’s indwelling presence—then your focus is on the work of the Spirit. (OTHERS) A mind focused on the flesh is doomed to death, but a mind focused on the Spirit will find full life and complete peace. You see, a mind focused on the flesh is declaring war against God; it defies the authority of God’s law and is incapable of following His path. Romans 8:5-7 The Voice (BOLD inserts mine)
I have noticed my happiness is more pronounced when I am doing for others—rather than being concentrated on me and my wants, desires or worries.
Volunteering in some area or doing something as simple as opening or holding a door for someone else is an act of kindness. There are so many ways we can do things for others—volunteer to help with childcare, volunteer to do some errands for someone you know can’t get out, help walk pets if they have a sick family member, deliver some meals to a family struggling with an ill family member…there are so many ways to help others, and take us out of our selfish, self-centered ways.
I realize that most people nowadays think of ‘number one,’ and mean themselves. But truly I get such satisfaction and pleasure when I reach out to help others. My life seems abundantly better when I acknowledge there is more to this world than ‘me, my, mine.’
Pondering our ‘troubles, worries, or lacks, wants, desires’ and keeping those uppermost in our minds poisons us from spotting all the abundance there is in this world. It doesn’t let us see how very blessed we have it, many times while others near us, do not. It’s sometimes so easy to think we are the most important part of life—at least to us—but it is humbling to see how blessed we may be in light of the life of many others.
Some have suffered lost limbs, neurological deficits, continued pain, paralysis, the loss of child(ren), homes, and so many other losses. It is always admirable to me to see these folks put themselves out there. So many are not huddled in their home, locked in their misery, just worried about themselves.
If you give to others less fortunate, your own problems seem much less like a problem and more like a part of everyday life—not something that will break the limb of your tree. You are able to see and feel so much more grateful when you realize all you have and what others may not.
Think about it. Reach out and help someone. See how you feel. And I would love to have you share with me your experience with giving.
I know it helps with ‘mybellaviews.’