Don’t. Stop. Believin’. by Journey

Psalm 20:7     Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalm 31:14     But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”

Psalm 37:3     Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Psalm 56:3, 4     When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.  In God, whose word I praise–in God I trust and am not afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?

Psalm 62:8     Trust in hi at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Proverbs 3:5-6     Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge Him

Proverbs 11:13      Gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.

Jeremiah 7:8     But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless

Jeremiah 17:7-8     Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.  He is like a tree planted by water that sends our its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never falls to bear fruit*******************************

James 1:6      But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the w


Sometimes it is hard to keep believing when time P a s s e s and P A S S E S and you do not see the results of your prayer.  Did I misunderstand?  Does God not want this for me?   I have prayed believing He will answer, but now a very long time has passed.   Maybe this is not His will and I have convinced myself it is.  Maybe this is not what was God directing me to do?   Am I still supposed to wait?   How do I know if I am still to continue praying for this or seeking what God  else He wants instead?    I know He has my best interests in His plans, but what if my prayer is not for me, but to save the family and friends who do not fully believe that He even exists, never mind that He is the Savior?

But His Word says that if we pray for something according to His Word He will answer.  I believe it IS according to His will.  His word says He wants no one to perish.  But He has given all the ability to have free choice–which certainly means for most of us–definitely for ME–that wrong choices are made, sins committed, but because I CHOOSE to believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior who died for MY sins, and I choose to do the best I can, with my human, sinful nature moment by moment.  

It takes time to build faith.  As in all relationships, it takes time to build trust, learning that one builds trust in another when secrets are imparted, but not shared with others, when one gets earnest and heartfelt support,  when one keeps confidences, when one proves they will be there when needed, even if it means altering their own schedule to help.  Trust is like a foundation.  You cannot build a building or structure without a solid foundation.  It takes skill to build a strong and level foundation.  It also takes time to build the foundation of any relationship.  Dating couples must spend time to get to know one another, find values that are important, what are the morals, what are the beliefs–Christian, even believe in God, go to church and have a relationship with a church and members?   How is the relationship with family?  Close to siblings as well as parents, or is there bitterness and distance there?  So you feel like things are open, or is there a cautious feeling in your gut at times?   how does this person feel about cheating–can they sympathize with a story of one who did cheat–can verify the reasons why it might have happened; or totally feel cheating is wrong until the relationship is fully ended?  You don’t want to always have a sense of impending mistrust with someone you are considering for a relationship for the long haul.  Marriage is hard enough when both parties are connected, sympatico, and have the same morals and values.   

Friendships also require much the same foundation.  If one has learned to mistrust someone–because gossip was spread, a confidence was shared, you have heard the other talk of someone else they are friendly with–your guard goes up.  You are more aware of sharing things that are private and you want confidential–you might even “set up” the other with a partially true story, only sharing one other person, and  you then know if the story is spread there can only be one person who spread this.  And you have confirmation that this person is not to be trusted.  

So trust is vital to any foundation of a relationship.  Vital . . .  Like a heart, lungs, your liver.  Trust is just as vital to any deep and important relationship you have.  We have this foundation with God, if we have met Him, even tested Him.   I chose Jesus after hearing a sermon on Judges 6–Gideon doubting he was hearing from God, and God had chosen him–young weak Gideon from the weakest tribe of all the Hebrews; Manesseh, and Gideon could not believe it, then, because of his unbelief and doubt, he tried to argue with God and find excuses to not do what God told him to do, and then apologizing, he tested God.   “If the fleece. . . ”  and then once the first test was answered in the way Gideon requested, he dared to test God further and ask for the opposite result for the fleece the next morning.  And God answered his request.

When I first accepted God as Lord and Savior,  I too tested God.  “Please help me find a parking space close…then I will fully give to You.”  If I had a choice, an important choice, I would give God a “if. . . then” scenario.   I let whatever I threw out as a “fleece” rule my life.  It was truly like throwing straight dice and letting the first number choose my course.   I wasn’t even using my own mind, but trusting a gambling “fleece” situation.  Judges 6 was to show us that God chooses us to do something for His kingdom, and sometimes needs to us do something for His kingdom.  God already knows our doubts, worries, and mistrusts, so He understand when we doubt and question and “test” Him.  And He will tolerate for a specific time, then says “Grow up, put on the big panties (or boxers) and do as I said. ‘Do not continue testing me–do as I have commanded.  I have given you the skills, and I am here with you.  Stand up and go forth.'”

When He said that to me, I was afraid, anxious, unsure–could I really do this?  Me?  Can I do this?  God, do I really have the ability to do this without You showing me clearly each step?     “Yes, You know I am with you, I love you, and as long as you truly seek Me, want to know Me in your heart, you will be able to follow the steps I have for you.”   Did I know how to run my life n my own.  I had come to depend on the answers to the fleeces.  But what had I done when there was no answer at all to the fleeces; there was no clear answer to the If this. . . then that. ?  then what had I done.  A decision had to be made, so I had made one, then fretted about the rightness or error of my decision.   That way of living, I was basically in a state of flux, anxiety, stress, and fear.  I was not only responsible for ME, I had a beautiful child I was responsible for–and yes, a wonderful family who helped, but they had shown me how to work hard, success, be a responsible adult with good work ethics and knowing the satisfaction of finishing a job to the best of my ability.  I had to be the best at my work, and caring for myself and my son — it was all on me.  My growth with the Lord was slow.  It was full of me making mistakes, and FINALLY learning I needed to pray for guidance, read His word, get the direction that He wanted me to find, and to follow.   Took a while, with travel up and down hills. . .  but I finally started following DIRECTIONS.   So much for the arrogance of thinking I was fairly high ranking (definitely valedictorian or whatever, but 3.5 level anyway. . . it did not mean I was smart.  Or next to near intelligent.   It took a long time before I was reading the Word and saying “Ah-ha!” or “Oh, my, look at that?”   “Wow, God, Wow, oh You are so generous, I had NO idea that was the meaning behind these Words of Yours.  Oh, thank You for opening my eyes, showing me the Light.”   Instead of praying as much as I should, seeking His will the way I now know to do, being diligent in seeking HIM,  and wanting MORE of HIM.   Thank You, Lord.

It has been a slow trudge I chose to follow You–probably full of my own doubts and mistrusts–which You would know all about since You KNOW me, I no longer want to trudge, I want to hurry to You to know You deeper, better, and full of trust, and looking toward wherever You lead me.  Thank You for staying patient with me and guiding me and ‘mybellaviews.’

6rd 5s 2e*t safe.

When you pray BELIEVE you receive and you will (not our time schedule, but God’s)

