I finished Spring works

You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. James 2:24

Whew! I have been pleasantly busy the past several days washing windows, having a new door installed, cleaning ceiling fans, windows, moving furniture, painting baseboards and trim within the house, and cleaning “kitties.” And yes, although I own two cats those were not the kitties I cleaned. One thinks they do a good job housecleaning, UNTIL Spring cleaning. I rarely get to the Fall cleaning, tending to bask in the warm sun, knowing it will soon leech into winter.

But every task on my long list has been completed! How exciting! What a feeling of satisfaction when you do as you need to and accomplish your goals. I truly thought I would skip some or pull a ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ and “worry about it tomorrow.” There was a lot of work on that list. And now, because I followed through and completed the list with good cheer and faith, doing each task to the best of my ability, they are done.

Once the windows were completed, it rained the next day, and of course the pollen is spewing yellow trails down them. I love to keep windows open once it is warm enough and before the weather heats to its Eastern NC hot, so, I wipe my “clean” counters down each day picking up the pollen deposits. Lucky for me I am not bothered by troublesome allergies. But I wonder when I wipe counters and window sills if God is smiling at me and my impatient ‘let’s get this house sparkling!’ But it feels clean, and looks pretty with spring flowers scattered in the gardens and the pots that align my outside stairs.

So, I am feeling thankful for the spring, the finished heavy cleaning, and the blessing of my home, “mybellaviews.”

