He didn’t give us spirit of fear

2 Timothy 1:7  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self-control 

Isaiah 41:10  Fear not, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you.

FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real   Joyce Meyer, pg 79  Promises for your everyday life, 2013

There are so many verses that discuss fear in the Bible. God is dealing with me regarding fear and waiting. Anyway, thought I’d share some of my thoughts and feelings about fear since it can be so prevalent in all of us.

Sometimes we fear a new job, a change of seasons in our life whether it be from children all leaving to start their own adult lives and employment, a divorce, death of a mate, deciding to move to a new location. Change can be scary, and so can wanting to begin something new. Perhaps you have spent time comparing yourself with another and find yourself lacking and therefore doubtful. Maybe, you have little to no education in some area, but would like to try and work in a totally different field…but can you afford the change? Financially? Emotionally? So obviously, thoughts of doubt creep and slither into your mind. These are unbidden whispers that you don’t know what you’re doing.  ‘You can’t succeed; you have no knowledge of this…..’ Satan insidiously taunts.

And the fears, doubts, and recriminations continue. And then you have to do something, you must make a choice: quit and let fear succeed… or move ahead and go forward.

But if we are sure that God is encouraging this new trek, adventure, we need to step out with confidence and remove fear and those staying thoughts of doubt and anxiety.  But we must be convinced God is urging you forward. Staying with the old and comfortable is not stepping out in faith, it is stalling in fear.  That is not God’s desire for us. He wants us to be bold in His name. Your faith in Him should allow you to move forward.

Facing fear is not easy, and it requires knowing God’s words of not succumbing to fear, and self-quoting them to yourself whenever needed. Fear is a manipulative snake sent out by Satan himself. But it can cripple one. Fear builds immobility on the foundation of doubt, and if that doubt foundation is re-enforced by listening to the whispering lies, it makes folks not step out, not try, and not reach for what God may have chosen especially for you. Perhaps it was something you wanted and were afraid to reach for, or it was something He wanted so you could touch others, to serve others, to allow you to shine.

But He does not want us to fear. We are to trust Him. If we continue to seek and ask Him to show us the way, He will and then we can NOT accept the fear. We must rebuke it and the one who whispers lies and doubts, and forcefully push those uncertainties – and Satan—away.

Next, time I will tell you about my God bag and how that helped me gain more control over the appearance of the lies when they would try to sneak back.

Fear has shaped much of my journey, but it’s a great feeling to know I am conquering it by standing on God’s word. It has helped ‘mybellaviews.’



























