Psalm 37:7, 9 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; …. But those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.
Psalm 62:5 My soul waits silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.
Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say on the Lord!
James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials (in this case waiting), knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Parentheses mine indicating waiting can be a trial
There are so many verses where God commands someone to “Wait.” He wants us to listen and to follow what He says exactly. In order to do that, we have to hear Him and obey. We have to develop patience.
Too often in my life I have jumped ahead, not waited, even with periods of unease and anxiety in my heart. Sometimes, I have felt like I was trapped, had already committed and then didn’t know how to end it, escape, take back my words and say “changed my mind. This just does not feel right at this time.” My first marriage was done like that. I had a bad feeling, and should have fled, but I chose to go through with it, and just prayed it would be okay. But it was not.
There have certainly been other times that my wants and needs were handled against the whispering in my heart to wait, to not go ahead. They are distinct in my mind. That is a now a lesson I keep and obey as with this disobedience and the selfish act of doing MY will, I have gotten into situations which have been costly, financially, emotionally and mentally. And totally my fault, It actually kind of amazes me that I was disobedient a great number of times until now I’ve GOT it.
I will still find myself impatient at times… but still I wait. Sometimes my heart aches with the wait and not getting the deepest desire of my heart, but I refuse to take matters into MY hands any longer. I believe that delays God’s true answers.
Certainly as parents, we had to say no and there times my own children had to wait for things. Perhaps we did not have enough to buy them what they asked for, or we felt they were too young to have what they were asking for, or legally, they were not of an age to receive it, for instance, license to drive.
I read something from Max Lucado a while ago about waiting, and wrote just the idea down, rather than his words, the book, or anything else. But the thoughts were we hand our prayers to God, then we wait hopefully, patiently, expectantly, and FORWARDLY. I liked that. We go forward each day, and perhaps that moving forward will bring what we wait for and expect. I tend to occasionally lose sight of waiting expectantly…expecting to receive my answer especially when a long time has passed. And I tend to trudge through my days, without the forward planning and moving.
Wait…. I don’t always do it patiently, although I am better at waiting than a few years ago. I think we all can feel impatience waiting at times, but I have learned that God’s timing is better, and His decisions are made for with my best interests in mind. And He certainly knows far more about my days, my life than I do. He knows what happens in my life book, and I can look only at the present and the past.
I often need to re-read these verses, and maybe you have a need to see them and be reminded to wait…for His timing.
I hope this peek into ‘myBellaviews’ helps you wait a bit longer