Abundant blessings
This photo was taken during a hurricane; there are three hummers hovering to eat during the winds and rain
I love hummingbirds. For many years, I have put out feeders with nectar for them in the Spring. After a short while, perhaps a week or so, I will spot the first little critter of the year. Majority of times, it is a small green fellow, and I always assume it is a male, since most of the hummers we see in this area are brown if female. It’s an immediate response from me t smile and thank God, and praise Him. And, I have several prayerful thanks then. I’m thankful I have the eyes to see and behold them, to monitor the outside temperatures so I can change their feed frequently, to measure the amounts properly, but most especially I am awed by the fast flittering, the darting, the defensive behavior many males show, and the fact these tiny little guys fly from the states to South America in the winter. That’s many miles for these beauties to fly. And they are the only birds you will possibly see during the harsh temper of a hurricane. They will still come to the feeders. God provides, and these guys defy the weather to get the nourishment and calories they need.
God has done an awesome job with all He has created. I am awed repeatedly. I marvel at so many of the animals and mountains, water bodies, and deserts and glaciers He has created. And I am so thankful we are in this time of electronics where others who have a wandering curiosity and skill to film and capture these facts of areas and creatures, it can be shown to me. How awesome He has made our world. And if this awesome here, then what can we expect when we reach heaven?
There are tiny birds making seriously long travels; beautiful butterflies making similar flights, and then a strange and awkward four legged critter called a giraffe, or a hippopotamus, a rhinoceros, elephants, many species of cats, and of dogs. It’s an awesome world, and I am so glad I have the ability to gain knowledge from others who have spent time learning and filming these critters and then share that. What a wonderful world He has blessed us with.
There is so much I would love to experience, but will not have the opportunity or physical skill. But I can see much that I would love to see through the eyes of others, and the fact they braved conditions to bring these different experiences to me in a small way. It makes me very thankful to see the beauty around me—living at the beach, taking trips back north and seeing the mountains, many different trees, seeing hummingbirds, red winged blackbirds, seeing educational shows on television—and being blessed to live in an age where technology is easily accessible.
Thank You for Your awesome world, Lord. I have so much to be thankful for, God. You have abundantly blessed me and ‘mybellaviews.’