Stress to Rest

Romans 12:11-12   Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 

Philippians 4:13    I can do everything through him who gives me strength

Isaiah 41:10    Fear not, for I am with you.  Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

We all know persons who can uplift us just spending a few moments in their presence—they smile, they are genuine in their praise, there seems to be a gentle grace to them, and we are drawn to their peace, their loving way. Sometimes we are with persons who are true servants—they give of their time and energy and always seem to have good ideas of how to serve further. They are able to rouse others to join with them in service, although they are the ones guiding the way, encouraging. Still others have a quiet, prayerful manner.

They are solid in their faith; there is strength in them even when they do not look like a giant, strong warrior. Their might is in the power of prayer, their faith God will work out all for the good. One wants them in their corner during difficult times.

Yet I know sometimes some people wonder if their own prayers are even heard, never mind answered.

But that is not what God’s word says. I believe God’s Word is Alive and Living just as He promises. The Bible promises He will live in you and renew your spirit if you only seek Him and ask Him into your heart. One of the promises states clearly, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28,29.



This does not say you will have no stresses, no problems, or no pain. It says He will walk with you and help you through your stressful times, and give you rest when you seek Him, especially during difficulty.

You are not alone to carry the burden. Burdens are always lighter when shared.  And God is invincible.  He is not another human who may also tire, become stressed, and overwhelmed.  Put your trust in god, and wait upon Him for how to handle your stresses, and seek His way to light your path. But hand over your stresses to Him and the don’t interfere.  TRUST HIM.  When Satan tries to sneak those thoughts of mistrust, doubt, and inability into your mind, firmly rebuke, and clutch onto what GOD SAYS in His word.  Satan is NOT in charge; he only wants you to believe he is.


As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God because He was my Friend.

But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own.

     At last I snatched them back and cried, “How could You be so slow?”–“My child,” He said, “What could I do? You never did let go”

author Loretta P. Burns


When I first started walking the path to follow Christ I was sure there would be no further problems, my streets would be golden and the burdens light. That is not true. That is not true for anyone, believer, non-believer or any. There are troubles we each face, and believing in God does not alleviate the troubles. But it does give you help to carry the burden. While going through your time of trouble, do you get daily communication from Him? Not necessarily. Sometimes there is so much silence you beg, plead for some direction, some sign, some relief. . . but for a time there may be no clear message.  And as long as you are not hearing that you need to change your direction, God is with you as you continue the path–even if you are not sure it is right. He will intercede if it is wrong.

So you continue to walk the path you’re placed on, you face the trials, sometimes wondering if they are ever going to end, and you keep praying. God will test our faith. He wants to develop and strengthen our faith, which comes when He places trials in our path, and we continue the walk, prayerfully and cheerfully, believing He is with you because His word promises He is.

As the stresses mount, we may stumble, doubt, feel fear and anxieties creep in, (all Satan’s tools hoping we will fail in our faith walk). But if we can continue in confidence that God has our life covered, we will be stronger in Him at the end of this trial. We will persevere. And the reward will be far better than we could have imagined.

So because sometimes you are walking a difficult path and don’t feel God, still know He is there, and maybe testing to see if you’ll continue the path with good cheer, (no sack cloth that the world may see your suffering) and with continued faith. This can certainly be harder the longer the stress continues, the more problems are added, and you see no light to show an end. But know that God tests your heart, and He does not give more than you can handle.        

I am not always successful at not becoming stressed.  But through faith, when I get stressed, I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that I am not alone, and the issue will work out.  Then I settle, rein in my impatience, and respectfully know in my heart that yes, I am being tested. My impatience will probably make the stress last longer.

So, I repeat my favorite verses, continue praying, renewed that all is better and easier being faithful in His promises.  I remind myself that Satan loves to see me fearful and failing in my faith, and that renews me to hold onto His promises and not Satan’s lies.

So although you may be going through a difficult time, recognize the blessings in your life, acknowledge them and give Him thanks for them. I pray you are faithful in your stressful walks.

Look about for some blessings. Thank You, Father, for the many I have a lot for ‘mybellaviews.’

