Family….some love and desire; others don’t appreciate
Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Jeremiah 31:1 At the same time,” says the Lord, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.”
God created us to be with others, to be a part of others. We are each born into a nuclear family, although sometimes we don’t get the opportunity to know them. Some are given up for adoption, or separated in many various ways. Others have the benefit of being in a wonderful nuclear family and learn values, ethics, morals and so forth. I am not saying any family is perfect. People are humans and we are not perfect, not one of us. But most people try doing their best.
I was blessed to be born into such a family. Family should be one of our initial blessings. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Some children are born into abusive, non-loving homes. That is tragic.
There are people in this world who desperately want to care for a child. They would never think of abusing one. It is their strongest, most urgent desire in the world to have and raise a child. How unfortunate it is that a babe is mistreated, a family is left without their deepest desire, and some selfish, impatient fool has damaged a blessing–sometimes beyond help.
There are so many heart wrenching things in this world, and a child not being in a loving home, protected from the majority of what is horrific, is one of them. Abusing any child is abhorrent to me, but infants…it just makes me ill. Yet, I feel the abuser must be angry and out of control maybe from lack of sleep or something. But our God is there to help with our frustration, irritation, rage when we feel we are losing control. I pray for all those who have been in these situations and lost. Innocent babies who only needed food, diapers changed, treatment for a stomach ache—and yet were abused with fierce and utter abandon.
I don’t know how God doesn’t just weep sometimes at the tragic circumstances that happen. I weep for them, pray for them.
If you know of someone struggling with their frustrations with children—reach out a hand and give them a break for a while.
Change their view, circumstance and pray they will have patience forever more dealing with the blessing of the child. I hope in my future to never hear more hurtful things.
I pray for all those stressed to not reach out in anger, that someone will be touched positively by “mybellaviews.”
Maturing part of the growth of people who grow and learn from their mistakes, work hard to achieve and complete their tasks, and learn with the steps they take in life. We steadily (hopefully) work to achieve, to accomplish. That makes responsible, supportive folks.