Oh ye of little Faith…
Romans 1: 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Romans 4:20 He did not waiver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.
Faith is a wonderful thing to clutch. It gets difficult for me when Satan starts reminding me ‘it’s been long enough. God isn’t going to come through for you on this. You got it wrong. Not happening.’
I begin to doubt, then fret, then worry, then become more impatient. I stop seeking and finding His will. I stop asking Him if I misunderstood or if I am still to ‘wait…with patience.’ I’ve developed a modicum of patience as an adult…but not a lot of it, it seems at times.
I have never liked to wait for anything. I would receive my weekly allowance and dash out the door and through the woods (for 4 miles) to the penny candy store in town and have it spent within an hour of receiving it.
And on the way home I had much of that $0.25 candy devoured; hmm, fireballs, squirrel nuts, and all sorts of things which should have ruined my teeth. But usually before Sunday morning came, my allowance was totally gone with nothing to show for it. My prized stash was gone; nothing saved—no candy, no money—nothing. Because I was impatient and wanted what I wanted and then quickly achieved it. I didn’t learn to savor and deeply appreciate for a long time.
It took years for me to realize the value of something once achieved when I had to wait for it. It seemed so much more costly and valuable, precious.
That’s the way it is with faith. I still stumble even after all these years of knowing I have a savior and there is a plan for my life, a good plan, one to prosper. But it’s sometimes so long to wait, and I begin to wonder and doubt and second guess.
Faith does not doubt, it knows that what God says will come to pass. So you wait with patience and firm belief that what was promised is going to come about. You don’t fall for the lies of the evil being.
Oh, I am much better at getting rid of the lies, but still they sneak in at times. Satan, too, knows my every weakness and how to invade my thoughts. Usually, I can feel myself stumble, and am able to catch my errant thoughts and bring them under control while mentally whisking Satan from m thoughts with a sharp rebuke, and a pleas of strength and discernment from the Holy Spirit. But when I am weakened for whatever reason, those lies sneak in like an odor. You can’t necessarily see a smell, but can find it either pleasant or awful. Sometimes, that’s how the liar eases his lies into our minds. We must be diligent and have armor on at all times to defend against his lies. To maintain the faith after a long time has passed and we don’t see the results.
Maintain the faith and get your reward.
Still faithfully waiting for some of mine…myBellaveiws