
 Romans 12:6-8  In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well.

Ephesians 2:10  For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago

I love the differences I see in life. There are different cultures. There are different plants, different animals, and so forth. In the animal kingdom, there are mammals, birds, reptiles, rodents and so forth. But if you take just one area of say mammals, and think of the many different species under that huge umbrella; the many different species of cats, even the different house cats! Then you have dolphins, totally living in the water, but also called a mammal!  Or let’s look at dogs—German shepherds, beagles, rottweilers, Chihuahuas, Boston terriers, and again the list goes on and on. So many differences under the broad heading of dogs.


There are different kinds of flowers. And again, look at the different species—roses, tulips, amaryllis, forsythia, and lilies. If we take lilies, we see some many different varieties of them also, each with its own kind of beauty.  


How blessed we are there are so many individual kinds of beauty. How blessed we are to have eyes to see, ears to hear to experience these differences. We can see different birds flying in the sky. The sky may be blue and clear, gray and foggy, or dark gray and threatening, and yet we can usually still spot the birds in flight. And birds…we may see seagulls, vultures, robins, bluebirds, orioles and more…the list is large and and different depending on which area of the country one lives, and whether coastal or mountains. All these differences are so wonderful and to me, blessings, gifts from Him by the Artist and Creator of all.  There are sunsets and sunrises, rain storms and rainbows, first snows, and raging fierce snowstorms.

We are so blessed with all the differences. And how wonderful our Creator created each of us to be different and unique. He created us all with our own personality, strengths, and beauty. 

I encourage my family to look and see the different kinds of bounty that is all around us. Sometimes folks forget to take a breath, pause, and look around. While you’re looking, let a breath out, take a deep breath in, pause, then slowly let out, and let in the reminder of God’s presence– which is everywhere, all the time– and bask in His care and love. You have the reminders of a species differences and the love which is all around. How foolish to be bogged down in our own worries and troubles. So let your breathing, pausing remind you that God cares, and he has created so many different things and will help you deal. Don’t remain so bogged into yourself and troubles that you miss the differences and pass on the beauty of the species.

I’m so thankful that I recognize the importance of appreciating all ‘mybellaviews.’

