Gradually New Creatures in Him

2 Corinthians 5:17,21   Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new…..For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

We become new creatures when we believe and accept Christ as our savior. Yikes, is that scary? Yes, it was to me, and I think to many it still is.  We get comfortable in our skin, our habits, and our lifestyle. At least for a while.  However, there are times we are overwhelmed with life, not making the best decisions, sometimes hurting ourselves with some of our ill-thought-out decisions, maybe hurting others—family, children, friends, and we may know we need a change, but have NO idea of how to start it. Or we fear the change and what that will entail.

I don’t know of anyone who has accepted God and started the walk through life with Him who regrets it. It is so cleansing to be freed of the burdens of self-disgust, hurt, fear, and shame we were carrying, yet that does not always mean we give over our bad habits, shameful, selfish behavior, and so on.  At least not immediately.

In one of my devotionals, 365 Moments of Peace for a Woman’s Heart, 2011 by Bethany House Publications, the writer states ‘As you open your heart to him his nature will change your life. You will begin to see things differently and more clearly. Wrong thoughts will be swept away by good thoughts. Your actions will follow as you come to know God, and become more and more like him.’  on page 170, May 31.

But then we find much of our sinful nature we WANT to get rid of. For me it was giving up smoking, not watching soap operas or watching shows with other casual acts of sex, or shows of violence.  Those began to disgust me. I turned them off.

My thinking began to change and I was less tolerant of some of the things that are acceptable by society’s standards.  I found my moral compass was changing. There is no judgment that others believe in doing things I do not or anything, but there are some areas I have boundaries in and am not willing to cross or even bend them.  None of my opinions change the way I feel others should live or walk their life.  I can’t judge others; I can only answer for my actions.

You learn more of His way, you experience His love and forgiveness, and you don’t want to be the wretch you know you are.

I am in a constant state of change, and so thankful for how it affects “mybellaviews.”

