
Song of Solomon 2:11,12    For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell.

There are some flowers and shrubs, albeit not many, that I just don’t like the smell of.  I know most people love the smell of gardenias, but for me it is just too strong and cloying, causes a headache within seconds; but I love the flowers budding and bursting forth.

I also love the camellias which bloom in winter with their vibrant colors of fuchsia and red, which are my favorites.  There are so many varieties of exquisite flowers.   Have you looked at a hibiscus bush?  There are so many gorgeous shades of reds, pinks, yellows, white, and when I spot a variety which has a different colored throat, I feel so blessed with the beauty He’s created.  How lovely.  My favorite is the peach with red throat, and I am sure it has a specific scientific name, but I call it sunset since it reminds me of a gorgeous one.


My neighbor has a bush bursting with this colorful blossom and since I love it so, thought I would share it with you all. 


My irises are bursting forth; as are geraniums, coreopsis, violas, and African daisies. I even have some amaryllis dancing in full blossom.  So today, since I am so touched by the flowers and colors of this glorious day, I thought I’d share some photos from my gardens and a couple of my neighbors.   Think we’re in competition?  We aren’t really.  We just go to one another’s and admire the handiwork that we place in the ground and the good Lord allows to pop up and bring forth a colorful view! 


Enjoy some of my bellaviews.  Blessings!


